Women often start deficient in the hormone called estrogen after menopause, which is essential for skin health. Taking estrogen after menopause is effective in dealing with the problem of skin aging.

Its effects on the body start increasing with increasing age. Its effects are greatest on our skin. In women, these effects often start appearing after menopause (estrogen after menopause). At this time, there is a deficiency of the hormone called estrogen in their body, which is essential for skin health. In the changing times, doctors are suggesting a way to deal with the problem of skin aging. That way is to take the help of estrogen to protect the skin from wrinkles and maintain good skin health. So is it possible that estrogen can repair skin wrinkles and reduce the effects of skin aging? Today we will find answers to all these questions with the help of experts.

What is estrogen? (What is Estrogen)

Estrogen is a hormone found in the body. It is found in greater quantity in women. This hormone is also present in men but in much less quantity than women. In women, this hormone is very important for reproductive health, periods cycle, skin and bone health. Mostly it is produced in the ovaries of women only, but it is also present in other parts of the body.

The effect of low estrogen level is more visible on periods. Image: Shutterstock

When it decreases, its effect on periods and skin health is seen more. Especially during menopause (estrogen after menopause) when women stop getting periods, wrinkles start appearing on the skin and sometimes bones also start becoming weak.

Can estrogen slow down skin aging? (Estrogen after menopause reverse skin aging)

We spoke to dermatologist Dr. Ratnakar Shukla to answer this question. According to him, the level of estrogen in women decreases with increasing age. In such circumstances, skin problems are very common. Estrogen increases the production of proteins like collagen and elastin in the skin, which keep the skin flexible and strong. When the level of these proteins decreases, wrinkles and looseness start appearing in the skin. These problems can be reduced with estrogen and skin health Can be fixed.

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Benefits of Estrogen

1. Skin elasticity will increase

Just above we read that estrogen Two proteins named collagen and elastin are present in it. Both these proteins make the skin strong and flexible. Due to this, your skin not only remains soft but also remains away from wrinkles.

2. For skin moisture

Estrogen keeps the skin hydrated. Because of this the skin does not dry. dry skin There is a reason for disturbance in skin health. This also causes wrinkles in the skin. If sufficient estrogen is given to the body, all these problems can be avoided.

3. Reduce wrinkles and signs of aging

With increasing age, when estrogen deficiency (estrogen after menopause) starts, the freshness of the skin starts decreasing along with it. Shrinking of the skin also starts with increasing age.

teen jagah hote hai sabse fulle wrinkles
Use of estrogen can protect the body from wrinkles. Image- Adobe Stock

Estrogen can nourish the skin in such a situation, so that you can avoid both these problems. The proteins collagen and elastin present in estrogen can make the skin look younger and reduce the effects of aging.

4. Also beneficial for hair and nails

Along with skin, it is also beneficial for hair and nails. Estrogen increases hair growth and makes them healthy, which reduces hair fall. Along with this, it also strengthens the nails.

How to use estrogen after menopause

1. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

According to Dr. Ratnakar Shukla, the level of estrogen (estrogen after menopause) often decreases with increasing age, due to which Skin But has the biggest impact. In such cases, we give HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) to women, with the help of which the level of estrogen not only increases in them but also benefits their skin. But remember that this has to be done completely under the supervision of a doctor.

2. Estrogen creams and lotions

There are also creams and lotions available in the market which are rich in estrogen and when applied on the skin, skin aging can be avoided. Such creams provide moisture to the skin which reduces the chances of wrinkles on the skin. Women whose skin is changing with age can use it on doctor’s advice.

3. Phytoestrogen

Phytoestrogens are found exclusively in plants and can be a natural way to compensate for the lack of estrogen in the body (estrogen after menopause). It can be obtained from soy products, fruits, and vegetables. This is the safest option to increase estrogen in the body in which there is no risk.

4.Estrogen supplements

Some supplements contain estrogen, sometimes doctors may recommend these. These can help in increasing the level of estrogen in the body, due to which you Skin Can avoid aging.

estrogen after menopause
Taking estrogen supplements on doctor’s advice can also protect you from skin aging. Image – AdobeStock

But keep in mind that you should not take them as per your wish. You have to go to the doctor and act as per the doctor’s advice. Otherwise it will cause problems like hormonal imbalance in your body.

disadvantages of estrogen

1. Increasing level of estrogen in the body can cause hormonal imbalance in the body. Due to this, periods in women, mood swingThere may be problem of headache and swelling in the body.
2. Increase in estrogen level causes blood to clot. This can cause blood clots to form in the body and cause damage to the nerves.
3. A report from Howard Gazette According to, increasing level of estrogen in the body is a major cause of breast cancer in women. This also increases the risk of ovarian cancer.

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