With the arrival of cold weather, many people face cold, cough and other seasonal diseases. The main reason for this is that our immune system becomes weak during winter, making the body more vulnerable to infections and diseases. Viruses and bacteria become more active during this season, and the body’s immune system has to work harder to fight them.


However, this situation should not be a cause for concern because by adopting some easy and healthy habits we can strengthen our immune system. Adopting habits like eating right, regular exercise, taking care of hygiene, and adequate rest not only increases our immunity, but we can remain healthy and energetic even in cold weather.


With a little effort and discipline, you can enjoy this season, avoid diseases, and keep your body strong. Remember, a healthy lifestyle is the key to a strong immunity.


5 easy habits for strong immune system in cold season


Importance of nutritious diet: Vitamin C Rich Fruits and Vegetables Foods like orange, lemon, guava, kiwi, capsicum and broccoli are rich in vitamin C. These act as antioxidants in the body and increase the ability to fight infections.


  • Curd: The probiotics present in curd keep the intestinal bacteria balanced and strengthen the immune system.
  • Ginger and Garlic: Ginger contains compounds like gingerol and garlic contains compounds like allicin, which are rich in antioxidant and antimicrobial properties.
  • Dry Fruits: Vitamin E, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids are found in nuts like almonds, walnuts and cashews, which are helpful in increasing immunity.
  • Green leafy vegetables: Leafy vegetables like spinach, fenugreek, and mustard are rich in vitamins A, C, and K. These nutrients make the body strong and protect it from cold.


Get enough sleep: Sleep plays an important role in the recovery of our body and strengthening the immune system. While we sleep, our body produces infection-fighting proteins (such as cytokines). These proteins help our body fight viruses and bacteria.


  • Get 8-9 hours of deep sleep daily.
  • Set a fixed time to sleep.
  • Reduce screen time (phone/TV) and avoid caffeine before bed.
  • Read a light book or listen to relaxing music before sleeping.


Stay hydrated: People often avoid drinking water due to less thirst in cold weather, but keeping the body hydrated is very important for the immune system. Water helps in removing toxins from the body and provides nutrition to the cells.


  • Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily.
  • It would be better if the water is lukewarm, especially in cold weather.
  • Apart from water, drink herbal tea, basil and ginger decoction, and fruit juices.
  • Avoid excessive consumption of alcohol and caffeine, as they can dehydrate the body.


Exercise: Regular exercise not only keeps the body fit but also strengthens the immune system. Exercise improves blood circulation, due to which immune cells and antibodies spread rapidly throughout the body.


  • Do 30 minutes of physical activity daily.
  • Try yoga, pranayama, running, or light stretching exercises.
  • Exercising early in the morning will not only strengthen the immune system, but will also make you feel energetic throughout the day.
  • Light exercise, such as walking, is also beneficial for children and the elderly.


Stay less stressed: Stress can weaken the immune system. When we are under stress, the levels of hormones like cortisol increase in the body, which can disrupt the functionality of the immune system.


  • Practice meditation and pranayam daily. These not only reduce stress but also calm the brain.
  • Adopt deep breathing techniques, which supplies more oxygen to the brain.
  • Spend time with loved ones and engage in activities that bring you joy, like reading a book, gardening, painting, or listening to music.
  • If stress is high, consult a counselor or mental health expert.