As soon as every woman wakes up in the morning, the only thought that is going on in her mind is what to make for breakfast today. Family members start getting bored after eating the same 4-6 things. In such a situation, you can try something new in breakfast. Today we are telling you how to prepare an old and very healthy dish of Bihar. If you eat this for breakfast, you will be full of energy throughout the day. Yes, we are talking about Sattu Paratha. Sattu parathas for breakfast give you more nutrition than they taste. Without any hassle, you can make this healthy breakfast with just flour and sattu. Let us know how to make Sattu Paratha?

Sattu Paratha Recipe

How to prepare Sattu Stuffing

You have to take 200 grams of gram sattu. Take it out in a bowl. Take 1 finely chopped onion, 1-2 cloves of garlic and 1 inch piece of ginger and grind it. Finely chop 2 green chillies and add them. Mix all the ingredients and then add 1 teaspoon crushed celery. Now mix 2 spoons of raw mustard oil in Sattu and prepare it by adding salt. If you want, you can also add 1 chilli pickle or mango pickle to it. You can also add pickle masala. This makes the taste better. Now add juice of 1 lemon. Mix everything with hands by adding 5-6 spoons of water. Let the Sattu get the flavor of all the spices and then chop green coriander and mix it.

How to make Sattu Paratha

To prepare Sattu Paratha, you need 2-3 cups of wheat flour which has to be kneaded well. Adding some salt and 2 spoons of ghee to the flour and kneading it will make parathas even better. Leave the dough to set for a while. Now take the dough of paratha size and make it a little bigger and fill the stuffing as per your requirement. Close the paratha and roll it. Now roast the Sattu Paratha on medium flame until it turns golden brown. Bake Sattu Paratha in mustard oil and eat it. This makes them taste even better. Now eat hot Sattu parathas with tea, sauce or chutney.