What causes psoriasis on the skin
Psoriasis is a skin disease, in which red patches appear on the skin and white crusts on it. Elosion and knee are the most common areas affected by psoriasis. The size of the patch can be smaller than a penny to one hand. There is still no awareness among people about this skin related disease. Let us know what causes psoriasis on the skin, how many types it is and how to get rid of it?
What causes psoriasis?
The cause of psoriasis is not fully understood. It is believed that it is a problem of the immune system, in which cells fighting infection accidentally attack healthy skin cells. Researchers believe that both genetic and environmental factors play a role in it.
Types of psoriasis:
Plaque psoriasis: Plack psoriasis is the most common form of psoriasis. It contains red spots on the skin, on which white crust starts to fall. There is also itching and burning sensation. It is found on elbow, knees, face and finger or leg nails.
Guttate psoriasis: Guttate psoriasis is the highest in children. Red, crushed spots develop rapidly in a large area of the skin. This may appear after an infection.
Inverse psoriasis: Invars psoriasis occurs in the armpit, under the breast, in the skin’s folds, around the waist, in the crack between the buttocks and around the genitals. It is usually pink and irritated, but it does not contain a thick layer seen in other forms of psoriasis.
Pustular psoriasis: Pustular psoriasis contains small pimples (white rash) on the entire body or limited to the entire body or on the palms, soles and other parts of the body.
Palmoplantar psoriasis: Pamoplantter psoriasis is most visible on palms and soles. It can also appear on the upper part of the feet, the back of the hands and also on the knuckles and nails. It can begin with the condition of any other skin such as injury, infection, or any other skinitis.
Measures to prevent psoriasis
Psoriasis is a lifestyle disease, it cannot be controlled. You have to take more care of your food and personal hygiene. Keep the body hydrated. Drink more water. You can also use coconut oil to reduce this. Coconut oil is rich in anti -oxidant properties, apply it on your entire body. Despite this, if it is not decreasing, then checkup.
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