How to make money plant green
The growth of money plant stops in winter. Due to cold and fog the leaves start turning yellow. Many times the plant starts drying up due to excessive watering and lack of sunlight. However, the month of January is considered good for the growth of money plant. By taking light care of the money plant in this month, the plant starts growing well. New and completely green leaves of money plant start emerging. However, it is important for you to take care of some special things. Know what should be put in the pot for the growth of money plant?
The growth of most plants stops during cold days. These days, no plant requires much water or fertilizer. But as soon as the weather of January and February starts shining with good sunshine. Plants start growing rapidly. In such a situation, if the leaves of the money plant are turning yellow, then add some grains of fertilizer i.e. DAP or urea in it. With this the plant will grow very fast. However, you only have to add 3-4 more grains to the compost.
What to add for the growth of money plant?
Apart from this, use natural fertilizer in money plant. For this, add tea leaf water once a week. If you want, you can also add coffee water sometimes. With this the plant will start growing well. Water the leaves of the money plant thoroughly. This will make the leaves start shining. Keep the plant in good sunlight for some time and water it lightly only when the soil becomes dry. Due to excessive watering, the roots of the plant start rotting. Due to this the plant dies.
Which fertilizer to put in money plant
Cocopit manure is considered better for money plant. Apart from this you can use any compost. While applying fertilizer, make sure to loosen the soil of the plant pot. After applying fertilizer, spray water the next day. With this, the plants in your house will always remain healthy.