Waheeda Rehman had revealed during an interview that her hair started turning gray prematurely i.e. at a very young age. Due to which he had to color his hair every 10 days to hide the gray hair. However, when she was busy with her husband’s health, Waheeda forgot to color her hair and soon the secret was revealed.
While talking to Filmfare, Waheeda said, my hair started turning gray very quickly. I had to color them every 10 days. I found it very tiring. When my husband was ill, the thought of coloring my hair did not come to my mind. When I came to Mumbai, everyone was surprised to see me. Helen, Sadhna, Nanda… everyone said, ‘God what have you done.
Generally hair becomes gray only after 50 years but these days the problem of hair becoming gray occurs at the age of 20-30 or even younger. Experts say that with increasing age the production of color in the hair follicles reduces. It is because of this that this kind of problem occurs. Let us know the reason and prevention of hair turning gray at an early age…
what is the hair color
The hair follicles contain cells that produce pigments i.e. colors. They produce a chemical called melanin. It works to blacken the hair. When aging starts, these cells also start dying. Lack of melanin also causes problems in new hair. Especially hair starts turning gray or white.
Why do hair turn gray at an early age?
It is normal for hair to turn gray with age, but it becomes a problem when this problem starts at an early age. Experts believe many things to be the reason behind this. Excessive stress or any other health problem can also be responsible for this. According to research, graying of hair largely depends on genes. These decide when the hair will turn grey. If the hair of any of the parents had turned gray at the age of 30, then there are more chances that the child’s hair may also turn gray by the same age.
Reasons behind graying of hair
genetic causes
Vitamin B12 deficiency
Neurofibromatosis is an inherited disease that affects the nerves, bones and skin.
Vitiligo problem means loss of color of melanocytes.
Due to the problem of alopecia areata, hair falls and can also turn grey.
How to stop hair from turning gray
Eat more things containing antioxidants.
Consume vegetables and fruits as much as possible.