To keep mental health healthy, nutrient-rich foods should be consumed daily. As you all know, our brain needs a lot of energy to function properly, and our overall health depends on our diet. Consuming unhealthy foods has a negative impact on our brain health. Today we will talk about some foods that you can include in your daily diet and that will be helpful in improving your mental health.
To improve mental health, include these foods in your daily diet.
Soaked Almonds: There is a very old saying that if you have the habit of being forgetful then eat almonds, doing so will sharpen your mind. Actually, this saying was not made just like that, but almonds are very beneficial for your brain. It contains Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids which help in keeping brain health healthy and boosting memory. Include soaked almonds in your diet daily.
Walnuts are more healthy for the brain: Talking about diet to keep mental health healthy, walnuts are considered like nectar. The anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants present in it are helpful in reducing oxidative stress, while the polyphenolic compounds and alpha-linolenic acid i.e. Omega 3 present in it help in improving memory. Its consumption not only improves mental health but also keeps your heart healthy.
Eat dark chocolate: Most people like to eat chocolate, however, if you eat dark chocolate instead of sugary chocolate, it can also be beneficial for your health. The elements found in it help in keeping mental health healthy.
Pumpkin Seeds: For a healthy brain, seeds should also be included in the diet. Pumpkin seeds are considered very healthy for the brain. The magnesium present in it proves helpful in relieving stress. Along with all this, pumpkin seeds also contain many vitamins and minerals and Omega 3 fatty acids, which are more beneficial for health.
fish: Talking about Omega 3 fatty acids, fish is a good source of it. To keep the brain healthy, fishes like tuna, sardine, mackerel, salmon should be included in the diet. Consuming fish also protects you from dementia (problem of forgetting) in your old age.
Eggs: Eggs are also very beneficial for our brain health. Eggs contain Vitamin B6 and B12, choline and folate. Choline helps regulate memory and mood. Vitamin- B12 and folate help fight depression.
tea and coffee: Actually, excessive consumption of both tea and coffee is harmful for health because they contain caffeine. But if taken in limited quantity, it can help in improving brain function. Apart from this, it alerts the mind and also contains antioxidants.