The more enjoyment in playing Haeli, the more difficult it is to remove those colors from the face and hair after Holi. After repeated refusal, if your friends have also applied pucca colors to you, do not worry. We have some ways to remove them.
Holi is the most pleasing festival of spring. This is a unique festival around the world that is played by drowning in colors. The more charming these colors look, the more difficult it can be to free them from the cheeks and hair. Although now people give priority to playing Holi with organic colors, but still there are some mischievous friends in every congregation who hide the firm colors in their fist. If you are completely colored in colors, then we are here to help you. Beauty expert Shahnaz Hussain is telling some easy remedy to free the skin and hair without dry and damage.
Remedies to Remove Holi Color From Skin)
Massage of 1 cleansing lotion
After playing Holi, the real problem is to get rid of color. To get rid of the colors of Holi from the skin, wash the face with plain water and then use cleansing cream or lotion. Apply it and massage it on the face. Then wipe it with moist cotton. Clean the space around the eyes with a light hand.
2 cold milk and oil
Make your cleanser to get rid of the color of Holi from the skin. For this, take half a cup of cold milk and add one teaspoon of any vegetable oil, such as “sesame”, olive or sunflower oil. Mix well. Dip cotton in this mixture and clean the skin with it.
3 sesame oil massage
To remove colors from the body, massage the skin with sesame oil. This not only removes colors, but improves the skin. Sesame oil protects the sun light. Slowly scrub the body with a loofing or washed cloth while bathing. Apply moisturizer on the face and body immediately after bathing, it maintains the existing moisture in the skin.
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4 Mix vinegar in bath water
If itching is happening during the color of Holi, add two tablespoons of vinegar to a mug of water and finally put it on the skin. This causes less itching. If itching occurs even after this, there is also a rash and redness, then color can cause allergic reaction. As soon as possible, consult a doctor.
5 aloe vera gel and gram flour
The skin can become dry due to the color of Holi. To get relief from this, apply aloe vera gel or juice on the skin. It moisturizes the skin, prevents dryness and flax burn. It consists of zinc, which is anti-inflammatory. Take one tablespoon gram flour (gram flour), one teaspoon yogurt and a tablespoon aloe vera gel. Mix and apply on the face, wash it after 20 minutes.
Now know how to remove Holi color from hair (How to Remove Holi Color from Hair)
Wash 1 hair with plain water
To remove dried colors and small particles of mica from hair, first wash your hair with plain water. Then apply light herbal shampoo to the hair with the fingers. Massage the scalp gently and wash it thoroughly with water.

2 beer and lemon juice
After washing hair, finally use beer on the hair. This will soft and condition the hair. Add a lemon juice to the beer. Apply to the hair after shampoo. Leave for a few minutes and wash it with plain water.
3 curd and honey
A day after Holi, add two tablespoons of honey to half a cup of yogurt. Add a pinch of turmeric. Apply it on the face, neck and arms. Leave it for 20 minutes and wash it with water. It removes the tan and makes the skin soft.
4 Retha-Avala-Shikakai wash hair
Make your Ayurvedic shampoo. Mix a handful of dry ritha, amla and shikakai in a liter of water and soak it overnight. The next day, boil on a slow fire until the water remains half. Cool and filter it. Keep it in the fridge. Wash hair with it.
5 neem oil
Use neem oil for hair. 250 ml Heat coconut oil or sesame seed oil. Take a handful of neem leaves and put it in the oil. Keep 4 or 5 days in the sun. Sieve the leaves and use the oil for itching and relief from scalp boils.
6 marigold flowers
For oily hair, add a handful of marigold in three cups of warm water. Leave it for an hour. Sieve the water and cool it and use it to wash the hair after shampoo.
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