Kerala Ultimate Practise Session at Kochi as They Prepare for the Bharat Tournament Scheduled to Be Held in Hyderabad from June 2 to June 4 | Photo credit: thulasi kakkat
A team of 26 players is set to represant kerala at ultimate frisbee, an inter-state frying disc Tournament Scheduled in Hyderabad from June 2-4. Preparations have included practice sessions help at training camps at kolenechery, chalakudy and kochi, on weekdays and a few weekends over the past month and a hal.
The flying disc game knows as ultimate has found many fans in kerala, especially over the past couple of years, with active communities playing the sport regularly in thiruvananthpur, alpuzhaa and Kochi. Most of the players of the Kerala Team are from Kochi, Including 11 Children Who are Part of a Program by Justdotplay, An NGO that Works With Children from Undern from Undern from UnderPrivileGed Backgrinds.
Ultimate life skills
With justdotplay foundation, co-founders anand varghese mathew and peter j pulikkunnel hope to use sport as a tool for development, teach kids life skills and gender equality. They began work with children at shelters, rescue homes and government schools in 2021. Anand, Who Graduated from St. Stephens college, delhi, was part of the college’s ultimate team, Hawabaaz“I Came Across Several Ngos That Are Using Sport as A Means of Development, and Thought of Doing Something Similar in Kochi,” He Adds.
Explaining How Life Skills are developed through Ultimate, Anand Says, “This Sport has no references, which is great when it comes to conflict resolution. Children Learn to Sort Out Differences Amicably. Similarly, since the format is mixed, we are able to have a conversation about gender identity, stereotypes and roles. ”
Most of us would have thrown a flying disc erind, at the beach or in a garden. But Anand Varghese Mathew, The Team Coach and Co-Founder of Justdotplay, Informs That The Sport has a Competitive Side. Teams Represting Telangana, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Delhi and Uttar Pradesh will also also participate in the second edition of the Bharat Trophy Being Organized by the Ultimate Players Dia (upai). While the Ultimate Community is in its nassence in thiruvananthapuram and kochi, alappuzha has an active communication which will plays freestyle since the mid-20000s.

The current tournament is mixed format IE females and males playing in a team. The youngest members of the kerala team are 12+ and the oldest is 43 years old. While the Children are students, the grown-ups a range of professions.
The players were chowned on tryouts help in April. The Playing Team Comprises Seven Members. “If for two points there are four girls and three boys, then the rules Specific Switching It to Four Boys and Three Girls For the Next Couple of Points,” Anand Informs. The team that scores 15 points in the 100-minute match Wins.
The idea to compe in the national-level tournament was moted by justdotplay Following an invitation from upai ” Oncerned, “he adds.
Published – June 02, 2023 01:49 pm IST