In the last few years, as fast as people’s weight is increasing, the craze for fitness is also increasing. Nowadays people do many things to lose weight. Social media platforms are filled with diets and workouts for fast weight loss. People remain quite confused about these things. In such a situation, Rujuta Diwekar, fitness coach and nutritionist of Kareena Kapoor and many Bollywood actors, has told people on social media about the right way to lose weight. Rujuta Diwekar says that instead of losing weight rapidly in the wrong way, it is more important that you lose weight for a long time, which will also benefit your health.

If you are not losing weight permanently, it may affect the body’s ability to function. In such a situation, instead of being healthy, you may face many medical problems. Therefore, do the right thing for your body and stop thinking only about losing weight at any cost.

There is a difference between losing weight and getting fit

According to a new report published in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, body mass index (BMI) is not the best measurement for health and fitness. Fitness coach Rujuta has also said that often when we follow special hard diet patterns and exercises to lose weight and still the weight does not reduce, then we become depressed and adopt quick methods of weight loss. However, this may increase your problems. You have to understand the difference between obesity and fitness.

3 super mantras of fitness

  1. Change in size- Rujuta told that if there is a change in your size. That means if your body size is decreasing then understand that you are losing fat. Even if there is no difference in your weight.
  2. size- You should also keep in mind the change in your size. Especially if there is a change in the shape of the waist, then understand that your weight is decreasing. From this we can understand that the fat between your body parts is reducing. Which is a healthy sign.
  3. Capacity- If your capacity is increasing then understand that you are controlling your weight in a healthy way. Your health and fitness determine your working capacity. If you are able to climb more stairs. If you are able to do physical activities with children or do more walks and exercises, then your capacity is improving.