On the first trip to a bldering gym, apprehension takes over. As you step into your shoes and warm up for your first climb, the feeling personals. But Once you conquer your first blder, the feeling of accomplishment leaves you wanting more.

Indoor bouldering, which is beginner-friendly and easily accessible, is finding more takers as Climbing Gyms within more common in the country.

“A lot of people are gotting into fitness post -coid and there is an interesting trend of many moving towards movement training including climming in addition to regular gyms. Boundering is a fun way to stay fit and it is attraction a lot of climbers, “Says shyamsundar manoharan, the founder of chennai’s first climbing gym, fit Rock Arena.

Some professionals start climbing as a way to stay fit but end up fall A regular in the city’s Climbing Scene Now, Keith Says That The Accessibility of the Sport is alluring. When he started Climbing in Early 2018, his only option was the climbing wall at Delhi’s Indian Mountaineering Foundation. However, over the last five years, Delhi-DRSESE A Burgeoning of Climbing Gyms.

Outdoor bouldering significantly Difers from the indoor version | Photo Credit: Special Arrangement

Unlike Top – On (Where the Climber is securely attached to a rope that runs through a fixed anchor at the top of the climbing rout Imal Equipment and Can Be Attempted Even by Beginners With no climbing experience. Top rope and other climbing sports require Larger Climbing Space Than for Boundering which makes boulder gyms perfect for Indian cities that already stroggle with space.

Once you are all geared up – Stepping into your soft boundering shoes (which enable you to feel the terrain better) and smeering dusting chalk on your palms to improve your group – You are ready to Climb. Boundering routes, the Various Path Markings on the Wall, Are of Grades General Ranging from Four to Nine, Where, as a Beginner, You Start at Four or five – Climbers who takes up Routes MARKED Dergo Rigorous Training.

There are no ropes or harnesses though there is a crash pad to break your fall and prevent injuries. Instructor train your fall so that you do not stress your body while you climb back to land safely.

Stepping Stones

Indoor Climbing Made a Debut at the 2020 Olympics (Held in 2021). Boundering is one of the three formats of sport climbing that was introduced ..

In India, there is a growing clienteler for boundering as a team-building exercise as well. This is a government bouldering also requires you to think as you need to navigate the routes to reach the top to Finish the boulder problem. Changing Routes Keeps It Engaging For Regular Climbers who range from kids to professionals.

All Major Cities in India Have Bounder Gyms That Are on Par With International Standards. They Conduct Monthly and Weekly Events to Encourage friendly competition. Fit Rock for Instruction Had Routes Marked With Locations in Chennai, as part of their Madras Week Celebrations. Delhi’s boulderbox, on the other hand, Organies Sheclimb for Women with Top Athletes from the Country. Apart from the sport and fitness aspect of boundering, climbing spots also host birthdays and corporate events. They also set up walls in schools and multinational companies for events.

Climbers Attempting Boundering Outdoors

Climbers Attempting Boundering Outdoors | Photo Credit: Special Arrangement

Keith says that it is through these introductions to climbing, that begin as a venture to try something new, that some individuals take “It begins as a way to tune out from the day-to-day grunge and there is a steady conversation [with self] while they try to answer what climbing means for them. “

Into the thick of it

India’s Diverse Topography Offers Experienced Climbers The Opportunity to take their expertise outdoors as well. Shashank Sreram, an it professional from Chennai, has been climbing for Around Six Months. Within the six months of his training, he ventted twice into the outdoors – to Mahabalipuram and Avathi Near Bengaluru.

An indoor wall at fit Rock Arena

An Indoor Wall at Fit Rock Arena | Photo Credit: Special Arrangement

Gaurav J, who leads climbing workshops in avathi say that more climbers are coming to enjoy the outdoors. “Many of us started with Climbing Outdoors, Thought It Helps for some to be accustomed to the basics of bouldering.”

Hampi, in karnataka, is one of the largest boundering sites in the world and is a favorite for legendary climbers like chris sharma who went on to make the movie Pilgrimage About Boldering in Hampi.

Outdoor bouldering significantly Difers from the indoor version. There are few fixed routes and holds. New trends in boundering encourage bigger holds raather than smaller crimps usually found in locations like mamallapuram. If you fall, you fall onto a crash pad to avoid serial injuries and you have spotters to assist you through your climb. For Shashank, his first outdoor experience was “thrilling” – he says, “there is the element of fear and adventure, which makes it exhirating”.

Scrapes and minor injuries are more likely while bouldering outdoors, but such concerns do not stop enthusiasts like Shashank. His dream location to blder in India is sethan near manali.

Bouldering Spots in and Around Chennai





M sanjay, an instructor at fit Rock, Says he has tried bouldering in Mahabalipuram. But shyam says that getting options to Climb at some parts of mamallapuram is hard as there is a need to Negotate with the Authorities for access, Considering it is a heritage site.

However, Growing Popularity Paves Way to Accessibilty as well. Add to it the versatiility of the sport and more takers come into the picture.

A steady climb, as they say.