Zeenath Shihab Learned to Cycle When She Turned 44. “I feel thrilled at realising my childhood dreams. Today my family is proud of me and my parents are please, “Says zeenath. She is from the first batch of 160 women who are being trained to bicycle under the project that strives to empower economicly weaker women and high school girls in kochi.

Aimed at molding a generation of cyclists that will change the environment and eco system of the city in the comeing years, the program is alredy changing lives.

Like Zeenath, Another Middle-ready woman, who prefers to not disclose her identity. They vowed to tonsure their heads if she was successful. Beating the odds, she is now a confident cyclist.

After Learning to Cycle, Lyncy Ks, A Homemaker and Mother of two Grown Up Children, Has Bough Herself a Cycle. “I now have the freedom to go anywhere I like and not depend on anyone,” Says Lincy, who was encouraged by her family. It was the family’s economic condition that prevented her parents to buy a bicycle when she was a child. Lyncy found the training Difential, Especially the Initial “Balancing.”

In 2017 the integrated sustainable Urban Transport Systems for Smart Cities (Smart-Sut) Project was launched in three sites- kochi, coimbatore and bhuvaneshwar. In February 2021, Kochi Mayor, Anil Kumar, Declared 2021 as the ‘Year of Green Urban Mobility’. Later in October, 2021, ‘Cycle with Kochi’ Program was launched to promote cycling as a preferred mode of commuting across all the 74 wards of kochi. A collaboration Between Kochi Municipal Corporation (KMC), CSML (Cochin Smart City Mission Limited) And C-HED (Center for Heritage, Environment and Development), The Project is an egger in eggs account The city, with a trainer allocated to Each ground. Giz, A German Agency for International Co-Operation, is supporting the Project by Providing Research and Technology Assistant.

Green Mobility

It was found in the preliminary smart-saut research “When we found that there is a dearth of riders who use the bicycle for daily work, we came up with the idea of ​​training kudumbashree women workers to cycle.” The second batch of 112 women will begin training in Six Grounds from March 26.

Women’s Cycle Rally Held on March 13, 2022

One of the trainers, a 22-yar-old b com graduate, anna job, volunteered to teach kudumbashree women to cycle, when she is alarned about the project. “Teaching older people to cycle is not the same as teaching a child, so we had a one-day training program,” Says anna, adding that the two biggest barriers she found whose teaching the accused is ware ‘ “Age-Related Inhibition”. “Many facted ridicule from their familyies but many had their support too,” She says. One of the first things she was taught to do was continuously motivate them. The first day was learning to balance with one leg touching the ground.

“Some of the ladies told me that they were disasuaded in childhood from cycling,” Says anna and recalls of lincy’s perpetual fear of Falling Down and of Shiny Blushing will Her Husband Came to Watch Her Cycle, AFTER SHE Learned to ride.

In 2019, bycs, an amterdam-based social enterprise, chose prakash p gopinath as the cycle mayor of thiruvananthapuram. Gopinath who is the coordinator of the project, say, “Kochi has many cycling groups but they cycle on weekends or for certain campaigns. They sparingly use the cycle as a mode to Commute. ”

Age is not a barrier

Women who Learned Cycling Under The Cycle With Kochi Program at a Cycle Rally on March 13, 2022

Women who Learned Cycling Under The Cycle With Kochi Program at a Cycle Rally on March 13, 2022 | Photo Credit: Giz

He set up one of the oldest cycling clubs in thiruvananthapuram, indus cycling embassy, ​​in 2012 and sheroes, a bicycling club in 2021 and has so far traceed 168 women Over a period of three years. He says, “Age is not a barrier when it comes to learning cycling. A 68-Year-old nurse, anna kutty, learned it in three days while her 38-yar-old assistant, minnu george took two weeks. ”

According to Him Cycles of different heights are provided at site. He insists that no relevant of the trainee should be presented on the ground while she learns. Pointing to cycling being a non-pooluting mode of transport, Prakash Shares Data that in Kochi 250 Vehicles are registered every day and a month 6,000 a month. “The Air Quality of the City in 2021 is what new delhi’s was in 2011.

Lack of Bus Routes in many areas contribute to people turning cycle-friendly as there are many options to Rent Bicycles in the City Now, Prakash Points Out.

For Anna, “Teaching ‘auntis’ to ride a cycle” has been an experience of a life. She sees her success in the success of the woman who now put on their helmets and peddle away on the road safely, amid traffic.

Survey of Cycle Repair Shops

In a unique exercise kochi municipal corporation, CSML and C-Have Undertaken (Supported by Giz) Case of a Breakdown. Cycling Shops, Cyclists, Cycle Dealers, Clubs in All 74 Wards of the Corporation are being contacted for information. The Team LED by Prakash Gopinath is Using a GPS Locator to Zero in All Small Repair Shops in Bylanes.