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Happy Ramadan

This year, the month-e-Ramadan month has started with the moon of the moon on Saturday evening. This whole month, people of the Muslim community fast. Rosa is kept without food and water. Only after the sun sets in the evening, we can drink something else, which is called Iftar. The same food eaten before the sun comes out is called Sahri. Rosa is kept only after eating sahari. According to Islamic beliefs, the prayer during Ramadan results in many times compared to other months. In such a situation, you can give friends and family a greeting of this Pak month through these special messages and quotes.

Happiness is lucky

You want what he is close to you
This is how Allah
Mecca and Medina’s Jiyarat is destined

Ramadan is illuminated by the moon,
Rosa is filled with prayer,
Every prayer is confessed to you,
This is our blessing from God,
Happy Ramadan!

To settle the heart by mentioning,
Get yourself by sins
Our just request that
We also in the month of Ramadan
Remember in your own prayers

Happy Ramadan month
Month of Rab’s prayer
Mohabbat ki mabud ki
Importance of that God Ilm
Happy the month of Ramadan to you!

Wish you all fulfill in Ramadan,
You are so illuminated
Saying Amen, confess all blessings
Happy Ramadan to you and your family!

Ai month-e-Ramjan Ahista Chal,
Now you have to repay a lot of debt,
Allah has to agree,
And the crimes have to be erased,
Dreams have to be written and
Rab has to be persuaded.

Something should be so much pauper
Tere Mere Darmiyan
Such as about-e-ed and

You want what he is close to you.
This is how Allah
Mecca and Madina’s Jiyarat should be destined.
Happy Ramadan to all of you!

Ramadan is illuminated by the moon,
Rosa is filled with prayer.
Every prayer is confessed to you,
This is just our blessing to God.
Happy Ramadan to you and your family!

O moon call them my message,
Say every evening of happiness and laughter,
When they come out and see them from my side
Congratulations to say Ramadan!

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