Rice water is beneficial in different forms from skin to hair health. You can use it as a treatment for beauty anxiety such as hair fall, acne, pigmentation, fiji hair etc.
Many such important quality are found in rice water that can help you improve your beauty (Rice Water Benefits). It is beneficial in different forms from skin to hair health. You can use it as a treatment for beauty anxiety such as hair fall, acne, pigmentation, fiji hair etc. Antioxidant property, including starch present in rice water, has amazing benefits. If you are still deprived of usages of rice water, then definitely try it. This can give you many benefits without any side effects (Usages of Rice Water).
Know in which forms it can be used for beauty (how to use rice water)
1. DIY face mask made of rice water
With a mixture of rice water, honey, curd and oatmeal, you can prepare a DIY face mask. Along with this, according to your skin, you can add any other ingredients to rice water. For moisture and antibacterial properties, add equal amount of honey to one teaspoon of rice water or mix it with curd for soft exfoliation.
Inclusion of otmeal provides suiting and antioxidant benefits. Apply this homemade mixture on your face, leave it for 15 to 20 minutes and then wash the face with normal water. It will provide natural glow to your skin as well as providing necessary nutrition.
2. Under-E-Treatment
You can also use rice water as an under-eye treatment. Its regular use will help in reducing inflammation and dark circles seen under the eyes. Soak cotton pads in cold rice water and keep them under your eyes for a few minutes. Now remove it after some time, and massage it with fingers.
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3. Use as a hair conditioner
Rice water can transform your shower into a DIY spa experience. You can use it as a natural hair conditioner. After shampooing the hair, add rice water to your hair and scalp. Now leave it for a few minutes and then wash it well.
Just as the conditioner works, it can help make your hair soft and shiny. The quality of the nutrients present in it will help them stay healthy for a long time, providing adequate moisture to the hair and scalp.
4. Scalp massage
This water can be used for scalp massage, as it can help you to improve their health by nourishing the scalp skin and moisture. This will help calm scalp irritation and promote healthy hair follicles. Apply the rice water with the help of spray or on your scalp with a cotton ball, massage for a while, then leave it for 10 minutes. Finally clean the scalp with normal water.

5. Use as a face cleanser
Rice water helps to clean your skin effectively. It removes frozen impurities and dead skin cells on the skin. At the same time, its natural, soft formula gives the skin refreshed, smooth and gives a uniform color, making it an ideal choice for facial cleanser.
To use it, immerse the cotton ball in rice water, then apply on the skin and massage the skin with light hands. Thus it does all impurities and dead skin cells out, and your skin looks naturally and shiny.
6. Use as a treatment for sunburn
When your skin is burning with sunlight, you can use rice water to get rest. Apply it in light amounts on the skin affected by your sunburn, and let its natural healing properties do your work. Starch present in rice water helps reduce inflammation and restlessness. At the same time, its cold and calm effect provides relief from pain and irritation.

7. as a face toner
Rice water can serve as a gentle and natural toner for your skin. This can help tighten the pores, uniform the skin tone and provide natural glow to the skin. Its Suding Property makes it a suitable option for the sensitive skin, which brightens the skin. Apply rice water on your face using a cotton ball or pad.
Be sure to use benign cleanser to wash your face before toning. You can store rice water in a spray bottle and store it in a refrigerator for a week.
Learn how to prepare rice water
There are 2 ways to prepare rice water, now you can choose any one of these options as per your convenience.
1. Cook the rice with too much water to drive away, and when it is cooked, filter the extra water and store it.
2. After cleaning the rice well, soak it in water and leave it for overnight. In the morning, filter this water and take it out and store it in a bottle. Grind the remaining rice and use it to prepare the dish.
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