Bytedance ai tool: Tiktok’s parent company Bytedance has recently introduced a new AI tool Omnihuman-1, which can only make videos like real from a picture. This AI tool is capable of speaking humans, playing music and doing other activities. The company claims that this tool is more advanced than the existing techniques and can create extremely realistic human videos, especially based on audio input.

Omnihuman-1: What is its specialty?

Bytedance has described the capabilities of this AI tool in a research paper recently published on Arxiv. Omnihuman-1 can work with an image of any ratio, whether it is a portrait, half a body or the whole body. This AI tool is capable of generating extremely accurate and natural videos in any situation, which is more advanced than the existing AI models. While other AI tools are limited to facial gestures or limited to simple lip-syncing, Omnihuman-1 can also catch the entire body movements.

What did researchrs find

According to the description shared on Beehiiv, researchers showed several demo videos of this tool, including hand movements, entire body actions and animated movement of animals. In a special example, this AI made a black-and-white video of famous scientist Albert Einstein, in which he is seen giving lectures in front of the blackboard. In this video, his facial expressions and hands movements look completely natural.

According to bytedance, Omnihuman-1 has been trained on human video data over 18,700 hours. This model has been developed with various input techniques such as Text Prompt, Audio Clip and Body Pose Data, allowing it to accurately repeat the natural movements and manifestations of humans.

Researchers claim that Omnihuman-1 is performing better than existing AI systems and setting a new standard in image-to-video generation. Although this is not the first tool of its kind, but due to the varied human movement pattern received from comprehensive data training and platforms such as Tiktok, it can overtake its competitors.

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